Wahala no too much: 63-year-old man with 8 wives, 7 mistresses, and 107 children says he is too smart for one woman 

Kenyan man marries two wives

A Kenyan man named David Zakayo Kalukhana has shocked many with his extra large family that consists of 107 children from 8 wives and 7 concubines.

According to David Zakayo Kalukhana who lives in a small village in Kenya named Teresia, his smartness and brilliance could not be handled by one wife.

This was what informed his decision to marry many women and also have a lot of concubines. In his own words, A head like mine cannot be managed by one woman.

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I will marry more

David said he had the urge to marry more wives after getting married to his first wife in 1987, and since then, he has been enjoying being a polygamist

According to him, he wishes to add more wives to his number of wives and expand his family.

He makes enough from farming

The 63- years- old man said he worked hard to cater for his family as he buys 5 bags of maize monthly for his family to feed on. 

The man gets his money from farming, he grows maize and sugarcane and also does other menial jobs which include landscaping.

The man also added that he toils to make sure his children who are of school age goes to school though it seems to be primary education.

The proud polygamist seems not to regret his actions as his wives added during the interview that they enjoyed living together as they cook and eat together and went further in sharing their household items together without grudges.

I understand him

During the interview, his first wife mentioned that she understood her husband very well.

She also said that she wasn’t bothered about his polygamous attitude and called him a reponsible man 

The seventh wife also revealed that at first she was jealous, but later she got used to it, and they are all living happily because their husband treats them equally.

READ ALSO: The King of polygamy, after 12 wives, 102 children and 578 grand children, shares regrets

Man shares about his grandmother with 3 husbands

Meanwhile, a Twitter user @Ay_bkini posted on his Twitter page, some hilarious but troublesome facts about his grandmother.

He stated that his grandmother married 3 husbands while she was alive and upon her death because of the disagreements among her children, her corpse was literally kidnapped from the mortuary because they all wanted to bury her in their individual places.

In his tweet, he emphasized the need to stay as far from polyandry as possible as it can only lead to trouble.

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