“Things began to fall apart” – Former polygamist married two wives and divorced both of them shares story

Former polygamist married two wives and divorced both of them shares story | Ikejabird.com

A former polygamist eventually made the choice to run for his life after suffering lack of peace with his two wives.

In an interview with news24, Maynard Manyowa, a former polygamist, shared his experience managing two wives.

“As a former polygamist, I say this is bad advice, you will never know peace” said the experienced man as he began his tale.

READ ALSO: The King of polygamy, after 12 wives, 102 children and 578 grand children, shares regrets

According to Manyowa, he lived his life with my two wives privately for a couple of years before “coming out” when a local paper threatened to name one of my wives as a secret concubine. 

On that note, he brought his wives together, sat them down, and in a brief post of so many words came out as polygamous.

“The first few years were great. Coming out removed a burden on my shoulders. My wives got along and called each other sisters”

This friendship between the co-wives was however, short lived as one of them admitted she did not mean it and it caused them to fall out.

Polygamy is not for the weak

Without beating about the bush, he stated that his marriages were peaceful and coherent until it popped up on social media.

When he came out as polygamous, and married to a South African woman, it opened old wounds.

He stated that a major lesson for him was that he should have kept his marriage private and away from social media.

When things got complicated, he could not balance sharing out his attention and defense for the both of them.

Therefore, he concluded, quite early following the collapse of his marriage, that he was not built for polygamy.

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I need more wives! – Polygamist with eight wives, seven concubines and 107 children.

Meanwhile, a Kenyan polygamist expressed his desire to acquire more wives despite having 8 wives, seven concubines and 107 children and gave his reasons.

In a documentary by Afrimax, 63 year old David Kalukhana who lives in Teresia village, Kakamega County, shared why he chose the path of polygamy and how he has been coping.

Mr Kalukhana first got married in 1987 but felt he needed more wives so he went ahead to marry several others.

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