Nigerian lady gives hot takes on polygamy, netizens run wild 

Nigerian lady gives hot takes on polygamy

A Nigerian lady identified as ChinazaVictoria gave hot takes on polygamy.

According to her, there was absolutely nothing wrong with being polygamous.

She also added that if it was done the right way, then she’d fully be in support.

READ ALSO: I need more wives! – Man practicing polygamy with eight wives, seven concubines and 107 children.

She stated that any man who wished to be polygamous shouldn’t be ashamed of it as it was his choice and he had the right to decide.

ChinazaVictoria wrote: “The way people make it seem like polygamy is a big sin, a crime or a taboo amuses me. There is absolutely nothing wrong with polygamy if it is done the right way. Any man who wishes to be polygamous should not be shamed it is his choice and he has a right to that. It’s not as if.”

Nigerian lady gives hot takes on polygamy

There is nothing wrong with being polygamous

Netizens had somethings to say as some were in support of the idea, while others totally ruled it out.

@remai osiko: “it’s important to note that opinions on polygamy can vary widely, and what is considered a sin or morally wrong in one context maybe accepted in another. My own take is that 1 woman equal to “X” number powered to the ratio of shegebanza……so why add another calorie?”

@godswill charles akp: “the question is how many men have successfully ran a polygamous home. I want to see 5 women who happily shared one man with strong commitment.”

@jackson Ejikeme: “ will you marry a man who is polygamous in nature?”

@Dammy Taiwo-Abdul: “Polygamy is not a sin but it can be termed as lack of moderation and going against the original plan of God, the creator/author of marriage. If it were reasonable to marry more than one wife, God in His wisdom would have provided more than one for Adam.”

@Vee: “Are you a christian?”

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Meanwhile, A man got married to two women, Safiya Tanimu Nasidi and Maryam on the same day, with both weddings held at different mosques in Niger State.

Umar Sani, as the young man is called, said that his polygamous background had a major role to play in his choice of two wives. He also shared that he always wanted to marry more than one wife, maybe three or even four.

His parents were however shocked at his choice to marry more than one wife at once, but they remained supportive.

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