Presidency: Stop the Joke about Interim Govt., Election will Hold

The Presidency has denied on Friday the claim that there is a plan to install an interim government.

The presidency was quick to also state that President Muhammadu Buhari does not intend to extend his tenure beyond May 29.

“Let us clearly, specifically, and emphatically state that there is absolutely no truth to the claim that President Muhammadu Buhari is working towards an interim government or even worse, the truncation of democracy,” Garba Shehu, Buhari’s spokesperson, wrote partly in a statement.

“The President looks forward to handing over the reins of power to his elected successor. This will happen on May 29, 2023, as the Constitution requires.

“What should be made crystal clear to the doubters and the speculators and the untruth-tellers is that in no way was the naira swap ‘engineered’ to keep the President in office beyond May 29. Nothing could be further from the truth,” he also stated.

This statement is understood to be in response to Malam Nasiru El-Rufai’s claim that there was a plan to install an interim government that may see the current president extend his reign in office.

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