Police officers who have displayed integrity and professionalism in the line of duty.

By Falade Ayodimeji

Nigerians over the years have had terrifying encounters with the police.
Many times, this fear has significantly led to citizens avoiding their routes, checkpoints and presence
Several allegation of harassment, assaults and forceful extortion have been made against the Nigerian police force over the years.
But there are still a few good men among the band of the Nigerian police force.

Ikejabird lists good cops who have turned down bribery and displayed professionalism.

1. ACP Daniel Amah, rejected $200,000 bribe

The former Chief Superintendent of Police was given a special promotion for turning down the $200,000 bribe offer given by an armed robber in April 2022. He is the latest of genuine cops in Nigeria.
He was able to stand firm and turning down a bribe of over one hundred million Naira. This was strange, and many showered encomiums on him for his actions.
He was also honored by the president, with an award of integrity and given a special promotion from CSP to Assistant commissioner of police with a cash price of 1 million Naira.

2. CSP Olayinka Egbeyemi and his team of Rapid Response Squad (RRS), rejected #500,000 bribe, 2022

In April 2022 a team of RRS apprehended a bus loaded with illicit drugs and arrested the suspects found in the carriage. They made the arrest in Mile 12 area of Lagos.
However, one of the suspects made an offer of bribing the policemen with a sum of #500,000 to release other suspects and the drug consignment.
But instead the gallant police men arrested them and turned the illicit drugs in while they were charged to court.
The policemen were awarded medals, recommendation letters and cash prizes.

3. Sergeant Yahaya Ahmed, turned down #300,000 bribe

The sergeant arrested one Jude Chukwuka for false presentation and cheating by impersonation in Zamfara state.
He swiftly offered the sergeant a sum of #300,000 which the officer turned down.
It earned him series of commendation from his superiors and the inspector general of police as well.

4. CSP. Olusoji Akinbayo and CSP. Sunday Idowu , rejected $120 million bribe

These two outstanding police chiefs were able to decline a bribe offer of 120 million dollars made by a suspected pipeline thief, Samuel Wilberforce in 2017.
They were able to reject this enticing cash and arrested the culprit, who was later brought to justice.
Subsequently they were promoted to the rank of the Assistant Commissioner of police for their integrity and outstanding performance against corruption.

5. Sergeant Samson Ekikere, wallet and documents given back to owner

This is another unique professional police officer who had exhibited an uncommon honesty and integrity.
He found a wallet belonging to one Mr. Lukman, and he painstakingly returned the wallet with contents intact.
This act was appraised, and he was commended by the force.
The Nigerian police Force is filled by bad cops but there are still great officers in the force.
This was part of the agitations of the End Sars protests in 2020 and the government promised reformations in the sector.

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