Oxlade sex video generates online debate

Talented Nigerian musician, Ikuforiji Olaitan Abdulrahman also known as Oxlade is in the eye of the storm.

Ever since his sex video surfaced online,it has been generating debates on Twitter.

In the viral video posted online on Tuesday, February 8, the 24-year-old musician was seen bonking a woman. Thus, his skill has got people talking.

Oxlade, told his fans that he was talented in other departments besides music.

Since the controversial video got on social media, people have debated the double standards views of critics online.

Oxlade will not be the first Nigerian celebrity to be embroiled in a sex tape controversy.

His senior colleague, Tiwa Savage was lampooned on Twitter for similar reasons.

Last year, Tiwa Savage told her audience prior to the leakage of her video, though, it earned her critics.

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