Miracle no dey tire Jesus: Dead girl comes back to life after prayers

Miracle no dey tire Jesus: Dead girl comes back to life after prayers | Ikejabird.com

A woman, Takalani Chairo, has shared a story on how prayers brought a dead girl back to life after she was confirmed dead by the doctor.

In her story, she said she took her son to the hospital around 4.00 am because he could not sleep because his heart was hurting. 

About two hours later, she said that another woman came crying profusely with her dead daughter. The doctor confirmed the girl was dead, but instead of crying, the mother of the girl broke into a serious loud prayer.

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Dead girl brought back to life by prayers 

While the mother was praying, Takalani said in the story that she joined the prayer with the woman and was praying profusely.

An hour and a half into the  prayer, the doctor came out and told them that the little girl was alive and they were preparing the ICU for her 

According to her, the mother kept on praying after the miracle, giving thanks to God for the Goodnews. 

Takalani said witnessing the incident made her to believe in Jesus and calls it an incident she will never forget.

In her words:

For the mere fact that witnessed a miracle- the dead coming back to life?, if my own two eyes. The power of prayer! I know there’s a 1% chance that woman will see this, but yooooo she changed my life I’ll never forget this day!

Reactions: I’m in tears

The story attracted a lot of reactions, everyone was happy about the miracle and praised God. Let’s take a look at some of them.

@innoskidi: Choose Jesus” was the sermon preached this past weekend. It was like fire in my bones shouting it out! Choose JESUS  Thank you @takalani_chairo for sharing, it was your Devine appointment with the Lord my sister. You had to see it, and revive your faith. The same God who did it for her can do it for YOU.

@isaabella_: And your son, led by the spirit of God to take you there. To stand in the gap with a grieving mother so you could witness the miracle. Our children are for a sign and a wonder. Praise God!!!

@zizotshwete: I’m in tears!!!!!!… Thank you Jesus that if we would have faith the size of a mustard seed we will see Your Hand at work in our lives!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you that You answer prayers Jesus!!!!! We give You ALL the glory Jesus!!!! We thank you my God that You are indeed God Almighty!!!!! #IRecommend Jesus Reply

@millymashile: Jesus is Lord Glory be to God for bringing the child back to life. So many of us needed to hear this. God is life & he’s a prayer away

@snezieymsomi: I recommend Jesus”

@dzigurlz: God speaks to us through our kids sometimes. 

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Woman with blocked fallopian tube celebrates her baby

In another news, A Nigerian woman shared her testimony on Instagram on how God turned her impossibility to being a possibility while celebrating her miracle baby’s 1st year birthday.

The lady was told by a medical doctor that she couldn’t conceive naturally because she had a blocked fallopian tube just a few days before her birthday.

She felt bad and didn’t wish to celebrate her birthday, but she encouraged herself not to allow anything to steal her joy, God showed up and gave her a baby.

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