KnowYourPresidentialCandidate: Which bank does Peter Obi own?

Peter Obi is contesting to be Nigeria’s next president through the Labour Party, a political party that has not produced any president since the country’s independence.

The LP presidential candidate is gaining massive support from the youths who are leveraging the potential of social media to canvas more support for their candidates.

If the odds are in Peter Obi’s favor he will become the first Nigerian president from the South east.

Vying for the most important seat in Nigeria requires a higher level of scrutiny from many Nigerians.

In this edition of KnowYourCandidate, IkejaBird looks at one of the questions often asked about the candidate.

Which bank does Peter Obi own?

Based on our findings, Peter Obi does not own a bank but he has served in several banking companies as chairman.

He was the Chairman and Director of Guardian Express Mortgage Bank Ltd. He was also the youngest chairman of Fidelity Bank Plc.

What’s Next for Peter Obi?

The Labour Party presidential candidate will hope to go to the poll on February 25th with the assurance of earning massive votes but it is yet to be known if the votes he will amass will topple other major candidates like Ahmed Bola Tinubu of All Progressive Congress and Atiku Abubakar from People’s Democratic party.

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