Imam of Peace sets Twitter agog with support for Biafra

By Kola Alhassan

Australian Muslim scholar, Imam Tawhidi popularly known as Imam of Peace set tongues rolling on Twitter with his open support for the actualization of Biafra Republic.

In a number of tweets, the Imam made reference to the killings in the Southeast ,adding that Biafra must be set free.

Thus, Biafran agitators went delirious. This put Biafra top of Nigerian Twitter trends on Thursday.

He tweeted: ” The images coming out of #Biafra are horrific. I can’t even share them. Humans are being butchered, literally. Please do some research and start raising awareness.

” I made 5 tweets about Biafra and Boomhari is upside down trying to discredit me with his henchmen. Guess what: we will continue.


To Biafrans, Imam is now a supporter and was celebrated in several tweets.

A user tweeted: “Mohammad Tawhidi, thanks bro!I need more sincere World advocates like you to help give a voice to my people of Biafra. They’re attempting to do us like 1967 again. Please any tweet on Biafra will be helpful.”

On Twitter,Imam has over 800,000 followers. He describes himself as a Peace Advocate. He was recently elected Vice-President of The Global Imams Council. He hails originally from Iran.

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