By Onyinyechi Ugwoke
What’s up with you at the moment; you have been busy travelling lately?
I’m busy doing shows because I have a recent song that’s banging and amazing on the streets right now which is the ‘She Knows’ song, featuring Olamide and Fireboy DML. It is on top chart right now, that’s why I’m busy travelling and doing events.
Can we talk about the sex scandal involving you?
I don’t really see it as a scandal. It’s just a blackmail; a cheap blackmail basically.
Could you tell us more about it; why did you decide to go public?
Why I thought to inform my fans is because I have stayed at least for a while so I wasn’t sure if the person has evidence or a video evidence of me according to what she said. But I wasn’t even expecting it to come out now because it happened six years ago. Why is she bringing it up now? Just to come collect money from me basically, you know. So that’s why I just thought to clear it in case she decided to drop the video if she has recorded me, because I don’t know if she did record me. I don’t know. But yeah, she said she has video evidence. So, I just thought to clear my fans first, in case she comes; she wouldn’t hit us too hard and we try to protect my image, my brand and hard work.
But how did your wife take the news ?
No, no. My wife is my best friend; she’s a very understanding person. She’s cool.
Is the lady still threatening you at the moment?
No. I have reported her to the police, my lawyer is aware of it, and the police are trying to get hold of her. I have blocked her. I’m not in contact with her anymore. I have handed her to the Nigerian police.
How many times have you paid her, and how much have you paid so far?
I have paid her twice.
The law told me not to reveal how much I paid her until they get hold of her.
Not that she asked for any specific amount prior to you paying her?
No, she didn’t ask for any specific amount.
What will you do if she makes good her threat to expose you?
It would be really, really heavy on my side. It wouldn’t be easy for me to handle. But at this point, I’m praying to God as I would also want the world and my fans to pray that she does not have it; I pray she’s just bluffing. Even you that is interviewing me now, ‘follow me pray that she’s just bluffing o!’
In the light of the sex tape scandals, what do you make of people making tapes of their sexual activities?
First of all it’s against the law. If you don’t have somebody’s permission you cannot record the person. That is why I am on the right because police is going to look for her until they get her. I don’t do that on a normal. I don’t have this kind of things on my phone! I don’t go and I’m having sex and I want to record it. I don’t do it! I’m not even supporting it. And it’s like a trend for some women now. They try to take celebrities where they can record them, hold evidence and get money from them.
But why do you think she could be coming out at this particular time to blackmail you?
She may just be broke and needs money. All she talks about is money, money, money. She just needs money, I think so.
And this is not a kind of publicity stunt on your part in anticipation of your upcoming songs?
No! In all my careers have you heard anything like this from me?
Is this the first time somebody will be coming up with such blackmail, no previous encounter of such?
Yeah. I’m a very serious person. I don’t have time to joke…

Sex scandal is now the trend this year. Nawaoh
Is good you opened up. I bet she wouldn’t dare post it