How to know if your friend is depressed

How to know if your friend is

In light of the increasing number of suicide attempts and deaths as a result of depression

Depression is real, and it should be taken as seriously as any other sickness; many people are facing depression inside, and they need help, but before you can help them, you must know. 

It is always difficult to know some things because they can still be happy, but we would provide you with simple ways to know or suspect. 

Depression is when someone feels really sad, thinks negatively, and acts differently. Here’s how to tell if your friend might be depressed:

Ways to know if your friend is depressed

  1. Behaviour Changes: If your friend starts acting in a strange or different way, it could be a sign of depression. Depressed people often behave differently.
  1. Negative Talk: If your friend used to talk positively but now talks negatively, it might be a sign of depression.
  1. Losing Interest: If your friend stops doing things they usually enjoy or spending time with loved ones, it could mean they’re depressed.
  1. Appetite Changes: Pay attention to their eating habits. Some eat more or less when they’re sad.
  1. Tiredness: If your friend has trouble sleeping or wakes up in the middle of the night and can’t sleep, it might be due to depression. They may also seem tired and have low energy.
  1. Slower Movements: If your friend starts moving slower, takes longer to do things, or is often late, it could be a sign of depression.
  1. Easily irritated: Depressed people may get easily annoyed or frustrated with everyday problems.
  1. Talk of Self-Harm: If your friend talks about not caring about life or wanting to die, it’s serious. They might be thinking about hurting themselves.
  1. Loss of Confidence: Depressed people often feel bad about themselves and their future. If your confident friend becomes unsure and negative, it could be depression.

READ ALSO: I need help! Frustrated new mother begs as she battles postpartum depression 

Helping Your Depressed Friend:

If you think your friend is depressed, here’s how you can support them:

  1. Encourage Professional Help: Suggest they see a therapist or counsellor. Offer to go with them to appointments if they want. It might sound extreme, but make sure they are helped; suicide is not good, and depression destroys mental health. 
  1. Spend Time Together: Plan fun activities you both enjoy to lift their spirits.
  1. Exercise Together: Start a weekly exercise routine together. It can help improve their mood.
  1. Healthy Meals: Cook nutritious meals for them or cook together. Eating well can make a difference.
  1. Seek Help from Others: If your friend is in danger, involve a trusted family member or call for professional help immediately.
  1. Be Patient: Recovery takes time. Be understanding and patient with your friend’s journey.
  1. Stay Connected: Keep inviting them to hang out, even if they decline sometimes. Loneliness can make depression worse.
  1. Learn About Depression: Educate yourself about depression to better understand what your friend is going through.
  1. Take Care of Yourself: Helping a depressed friend can be hard. Make sure to care for your own mental health too.


Remember, you can’t replace professional help, but your support and care can make a big difference in your friend’s life. Encourage them to seek professional assistance and let them know you’re there for them no matter what.

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