Women want to be paid for existing – Nigerian man narrated bitter experience with female friend

Women want to be paid for existing – Nigerian man narrated bitter experience with female friend

An irate Nigerian man described his encounter with a female friend, who confirmed that women want to be paid for their existence.

He revealed that a female friend would periodically inform him that she was going to change her hairstyle.

He would inquire about the hair out of pure concern and be answered with remarks that implied that since he didn’t pay for the hair, he isn’t allowed to see it.

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He voiced that women want to get paid for existing and any form of care from a man was a weapon against him.

Women want to get paid for existing

Women want to be paid for existing

He wrote: “Your female friend will be telling you how she’s going to make her hair.. she’d be updating you on how it’s going… And just out of concern(from the fact that she has been updating you), You’ll ask to see the hair when she’s done, then she’d go “Why do you want to see it, Did you pay for it”? Cooking aside, You people need to stop acting like id!ots for real.“

His tweet got massive responses which further validated his point that women want to be paid for existing.

@iammrpunky: “That’s why I don’t keep females friend, most of them have less or no usefulness. They just need someone to benefit from.”

@oche_7: “A well trained man does not keep female friends.”

@sultanofvybezz: “Once that statement pops up, trust nothing about your life will interest me again, make everybody dey eh dey.”

READ ALSO: Nigerian lady drags women who makeup on their wedding day due to mismatched shades

Long throat is the reason young girls can’t stay faithful – Twitter influencer blasts women

Meanwhile, after a Twitter influencer told females that young girls can’t stay faithful because they are greedy, Twitter erupted in flames.

A Twitter influencer named @jon_d_doe expressed his stinging viewpoint on why young girls can’t commit their lives to a single man.

He wrote: “The longer throat is the main reason why young girls cannot date one man or sustain or stay faithful in a relationship. And they use “I don’t love him anymore” as an excuse. Are you supposed to love him before? End.”

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