Who are Rayssa de Freitas and Ingrid Lana? Meet The Ladies in Man U’s Antony’s Scandal


By Jimmy

Manchester United’s Antony has been accused of physical assault by two women, following separate allegations made by his ex Gabriela Cavallin.

Rayssa de Freitas, a law student, accused the star in May 2022. Ingrid Lana, a 33-year-old banker also came forward with accusations.

It comes after the £85million winger issued a statement strongly denying the “false allegations” of assault made by his ex-girlfriend Gabriela Cavallin.

Rayssa de Freitas and her accusations

Brazilian outlets Jornal Extra and Record report that Rayssa de Freitas, a law student, accused the winger of physical attacks. The student said she required hospital treatment following an incident in May 2022, after she was allegedly attacked by Antony and a woman after they left a Sao Paulo nightclub.

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A police report from May 2022 by Rayssa, which has since been made public, describes alleged violent behavior from the footballer and internet personality Mallu Ohana.

According to Rayssa, she and Mallu – Brazil player Dudu’s ex-wife – got into the backseat of Antony’s Land Rover after a night out in Brazil. She claimed Antony was behind the wheel, along with his hairdresser Rafa Contes.

Rayssa reportedly told police in Brazil that she ended up falling out with Mallu because she didn’t want to “continue the fun” with the rest of them. She then claimed the argument turned violent and she was attacked by Mallu and Antony and only escaped by opening the car’s back door and fleeing after Antony stopped at a traffic light.

The police report claimed that a motorcyclist driving behind the Land Rover reportedly witnessed the alleged attack, before writing down Antony’s license plate. As soon as Rayssa got out of the car, the motorcyclist claimed Antony sped off to an unknown destination.

Following this, the law student was hospitalized, the Brazilian newspaper reports.

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Ingrid Lana and her accusations

The 33-year-old banker has also accused Antony of physical violence in an interview with Record. She claims the alleged attack took place at Antony’s home in Manchester last October.

“He tried having [sexual] relations with me, but I refused and he pushed me against a wall and I hit my head,” she alleged.

In the interview, Ingrid claims she never had a relationship with the Premier League footballer but found his behavior “strange”.

“I was there strictly for business,” Ingrid said. “He invited me and upon my arrival, I discovered he had second intentions. I was never anyone’s mistress.”

Antony’s response

Sao Paulo Civil Police are investigating the allegations of assault, alongside Greater Manchester Police. However, Antony strongly denies all allegations against him.

The winger also issued a statement, as the club confirmed that he would not be returning to train with the squad “until further notice”.

A statement shared to his Instagram read: ”I have agreed with Manchester United to take a period of absence while I address the allegations made against me. This was a mutual decision to avoid distraction to my teammates and unnecessary controversy for the club.”

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