When creativity meets necessity -Nigerian sculptor becomes first to create hyper realistic prosthetics for black amputees

Nigerian sculptor becomes first to create hyper realistic prosthetics for black amputees | Ikejabird.com

A Nigeria sculptor who creates dark skin prosthetics for black amputees has shared the motivation that birthed his innovation.

The founder of Immortal Cosmetics, John Amanam, who has a Fine and Industrial Arts degree, did not plan to become a prosthetist.

When he was younger, he dreamed of becoming a sculptor who will be known and recognized all over the world.

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However, his beloved 21 year old brother had an accident in 2019 which made him lose his fingers. Being unable to watch his brother plunge further into depression, he decided to help.

In recalling his early steps, he stated that he received push backs from the medical practitioners he sought counsel from on how to create prosthetics, because he was merely a sculptor. 

The Journey to success is hard

These push backs made him research even harder, and in 2020, he made his first prosthetics. 

When he posted his invention on social media, he received many requests from amputees who also needed prosthetics, and that was how the company Immortal Cosmetics was born. 

John Amanam following this, became the  first person in Nigeria to create prosthetics for black skin and a source of motication to many.

READ ALSO: Viral amputee purewater seller, Mary Daniels acquires new house and purewater factory from the money, Nigerians donated to her.

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Meanwhile, a farmer from the Ashanti Region of Ghana whose arm was amputated has made it to the list of one of the most successful cocoa farmers in Ghana.

The farmer called Opanin Agyeman, shared with his ordeal after the amputation of his arm how he has been able to accomplish this great feat.

In an interview with host, Eric Owusu Boahen of Ahenfo Tv, he stated that his left hand was amputated during his youthful years as a result of an accident he was involved in.

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