What you should know about Keke Palmer and her baby dad’s online fight

What you should know about Keke Palmer and her baby dad's online fight | Ikejabird.com

 Darius Jackson,  boyfriend of Hollywood actress Keke Palmer, criticized her outfit for Usher Raymond’s Las Vegas residency show on Wednesday. In a Twitter outburst, Jackson shamed Palmer replying to the  video with a “It’s the outfit though. You  a mom.”

. Keke Palmer wore a transparent black dress with a body suit underneath and was seen dancing and hugging the singer where he performed his 2010 song “There goes my baby”

Fans have criticized Jackson for being insecure and controlling, particularly because he is not married to Keke yet, even though they are dating and have a child together. Palmer has not spoken publicly about his comment.

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How did Keke Palmer react 

Despite the backlash, Palmer has not directly addressed Jackson’s remark. However, prior to the outburst, she did express her love for her boyfriend on her Twitter account. 

As the issue  surrounding the incident continues, the actress has chosen to speak about her night out without acknowledging her boyfriend’s harsh comments.

“I wish I had taken more pictures but we were running late,” she captioned a series of snaps from the night. “I am telling y’all right now, if you haven’t seen @usher YOU MUST GO!! HE WAS SO FABULOUS!!”

Reactions: Why did you call her out in public 

Jackson tweet regarding Palmer outfit has a lot of mixed reactions from twitter users. Here are some of their comments:

@gammy:the way keke palmers man typed a whole soliloquy about “we live in a generation blah blah blah”. but bro forgot we live in a generation where technology is at its best. CALL the mother of ur child instead of tweeting her????

@ugrgbe:I can’t believe you people are saying Keke did right because she earns more than her partner.Do you all realise it’s own goal???????I mean, do you all realise it’s madness??

@vinicius:Bringing the issues you’re having with the celebrity you’re dating to twitter is funny asf cause no one will support you

@ericaBut no be today this thing start go to IG, while she was pregnant she posted pictures with not much on na and he knew he even took most pictures/videos

@Ajoke:This should have been a private stuff, not coming to bash her online 😕

@slimtee:don’t understand how men think someone who exposes their body before marriage would suddenly stop after birthing a child. Were you not aware??? Mtchewwww

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You are an ingrate: Yomi Fabiyi slams Mo Bimpe

In another news, In a recent interview, Nollywood actor and producer Yomi Fabiyi addressed his ongoing dispute with his colleague, Mo Bimpe, providing more details about their relationship and the reasons behind their fallout.

 Contrary to what Bimpe said, shading  Yomi, that he usually requested sexual intercourse in exchange for a role, Yomi clarified that this was not the case.

Yomi Fabiyi shared that he first met Mo Bimpe in 2016 and acknowledged her as a devoted fan of his work. Impressed by her passion, he cast her in a movie, despite her lack of prior acting experience

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