We dey find the papa: Autistic lady gives birth to baby boy, family runs DNA

We dey find the papa: Autistic lady gives birth to baby boy, family runs DNA:ikejabird.com

Joy, who is an autistic lady got pregnant last year and gave birth to a beautiful boy  but could not identify the father of her baby due to her condition.

Joy was three months pregnant before their parents found out; despite the difficulties Joy faced during the pregnancy because she couldn’t express her cravings due to her condition, her family took good care of her. Eventually, Joy gave birth to a very cute baby. 

However, there is a concern because Joy cannot identify the baby’s father. The guy she pointed to as the father denied it completely. 

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DNA test was performed

Finally, after much deliberation, Her family decided to do a DNA test for the baby. Some people warned them not to do it because DNA tests can be very expensive, and they thought the money could be better used for caring for the child. Nevertheless, the family insisted on going ahead with the test.

They patiently await the results, which will be available in 6 to 8 weeks. Both the baby and the mother are in good health

Reactions: so glad you took this step

Here are some of the comments from netizens: 

@Aminah:She’s gorgeous and her baby is beautiful. I hope Karma finds the person that took advantage of her vulnerability

@Cutie:why I’m i crying?😢 God will bless her n the little angel sent to comfort her,will bring everlasting joy n happiness to the family..Amen🥰🥰🥰

@Jasmine Peters:If a medica practitioner asked you not to do it because it’s too expensive and you should use the money for something else, we should know his name.

@Amazing _xoxo:So glad you took this step! It’s high time we stop leaving some things to the universe to handle!

@blessing eichie:Finally.. u guys made the best decision 😌

READ ALSO: Woman in coma for over a decade gets pregnant, gives birth to a child

Woman discovers she has one week left to give birth

In another news, A woman just found out she has about one week to give birth to a baby she had no idea she was carrying for the past 9 months.

The discovery was made in her house first with a pregnancy test kit, before she confirmed with a blood and urine test.

In her tweet, She revealed that she had been pregnant for 36 weeks out of 37 weeks and had no idea because she had no symptoms

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