We are not thugs: Police disperse UNILAG students’ protesters with tear gas 

We are not thugs: Police disperse UNILAG students' protesters with tear gas | Ikejabird.com

In a recent development, officers from the Lagos State Police Command were deployed to disperse students who had gathered around the University of Lagos (UNILAG) area to protest against a significant fee hike. 

The police officers used teargas to disperse the protesting students, who were led by a student solidarity group opposing the fee increase, in collaboration with the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS).

The students were protesting the substantial fee hike imposed by UNILAG management in July 2023, citing “prevailing economic realities” as the reason behind the increase. 

READ ALSO: Fee Hike: Unilag students speak on Sept 6 protest

Protesters have being arrested 

The protesters, carrying placards with various writings and shouting anti-government slogans, demanded a reversal of the fee hike.

During the police intervention, four protesters, including individuals identified as Femi Adeyeye and Philip Olatinwo, were reportedly taken away in a police van. 

Sowere spoke against it 

The situation has sparked a response from political figures like Omoyele Sowore, the Presidential candidate of the African Action Congress (AAC) in the 2023 election, who called for the immediate release of the detained protesters. 

Sowore emphasized that these actions would not stop the resistance against the new school fees.

READ ALSO: Save Unilag students: Students protest hike in fees online

UNILAG increases fees despite denying rumours of additional increment

Meanwhile, the University of Lagos (UNILAG), has increased the tuition fees for undergraduates once again.

Ikejabird confirmed that the fee increment was noticed by students of the department of Mass Communication on Friday.

The school management implemented an additional N40,000 fee for Lab, as well as obligatory fees of N5,000 and N10,000 for the 2019/2020 and 2021/2022 academic sessions respectively.

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