Wahala be like free ride geng: Man decides to stop free rides after neighbours showed him shege

Wahala be like free ride geng: Man decides to stop free rides after neighbours showed him shege | Ikejabird.com

In a surprising turn of events, a generous neighbour living in Mowe decided to start charging for the free ride he formerly gave his neighbors for the past eight months. 

The young man,  who works at a bank in Ikeja, used to offer free rides to his neighbors who worked in offices close to his own. When his car broke down, the neighbours he helped, did not contribute at all to repair of the car, so he made the decision to sell it and bought a new one.

After he bought his new car and the subsidy was removed he made the difficult decision to inform them that he would be charging a fee for the daily commute from Mowe to Berger. While two of the ladies objected, saying that they can’t because they are his neighbours, the men readily agreed to pay N500 everyday.

READ ALSO: Wahala! Petrol queue resurfaces after President Tinubu announced subsidy removal

Driver don turn entrepreneur 

He started picking up six passengers each day, charging them N500 each from Mowe to Berger. The passengers, excited by the affordable fare compared to normal bus fare which is now N700 to N800, thanked him and even added an extra N200 when they realized that he was also going to Ikeja.

Presently , he said he earns a total of N8,400 daily from the six passengers. He revealed that the income now covers his fuel expenses and even left him with some extra cash for breakfast.

Reactions: Such a high concentration of ingrates 

Netizens were furious and angry with what they did to him, some even shared their own experience here are a few: 

@Reesemach: I will never understand why you will be giving someone a ride to his place of work and it will not occur to the person that he/she should contribute at least.

@JckMent: If you fit move out of that area sef. Such a high concentration of ingrates

@jos4temi01:There is this man that take me to work on mondays and we come back on  fridays.I have my own car though, I have always give him money on every ride, when he told others that they had to be supporting him because of the price of fuel.He openly told them that I do pay him.

@yikemii: It’s just like living with someone, eating their food, using stuffs in the house and not contributing anything

@SaltOfLiife: Some will even stain your car rug and carpets with their dirty shoes and won’t ask you how it became clean the following morning. Some will be eating and drinking in the car and leave the car dirty with food remnants everywhere.

READ ALSO: NLC suspends subsidy protest

Hubby buys N70,500 fuel for wife’s car and generators at home 

A Nigerian man shared the receipt of a recent fuel purchase he made at a filling station in Lagos worth N70,500 for his wife’s car and generator.

The loving husband decided to shower his wife with this gesture, which is really romantic especially in this season the country has found itself.

The man, identified on Twitter as @seyedele posted a picture of the receipt showing he had purchased 1 litre of fuel for about N500.

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