URGENT 2K! – A lifeline or Red flag

By Otomewo Oritsejolomi Joshua

Picture this, it’s a cool evening, and one of those days when  there is stable electricity and with a chilled bottle of beer, you’re watching your favourite team play at the UEFA Champions League.

When your phone pings, disturbing your peace, it is a message from one of your guys. “Guy abeg you go fit help me with 2k? I need am urgently. I will pay you back next week.” 

This scenario is not so difficult to imagine, because at one point or the other, you must have been on the giving or receiving end of an urgent 2k.

Urgent 2k is more than just a quick loan to a needy friend; it is a lifesaver, it is like water in a desert. It is so important that I think there should be a 2k denomination in naira, dollars, pounds and euros to facilitate its swift movement from one empty account to another. While it has caused the break up of several relationships, many friendships exist today because one party cared enough to loan the other party an urgent 2k.

Urgent 2k can stand for many things. Though it may look small, it could mean a lot more than the actual N2000 that you are giving out. To some, it can be the difference between going to sleep with an empty stomach or a full one. 

Jimoh, a student at  UNILAG  was  recently on the receiving end of an urgent 2k. “There is a specific type of brokenness that hits you towards the end of the month, that was what hit me in February, all my roommates where in the same shoes with me, so there was no one to rely on. Luckily, I had a colleague where I did my internship.  I approached him and he sent 2k, that was what we all used to eat that night,” he said.

While it can be a lifeline, it can also be a red flag to hint at a relationship that would be filled with consistent billing. Demola tells us his experience with a female friend. 

“There was this babe I really liked, I approached  her, we started talking. After 2 weeks, she needed money for something, the next week she needed money for another thing. It was always small amounts, 2k here, 5k there. It became too much, so I had to end the relationship. I’m trying to date you and not fund your lifestyle. It left a really bad taste in my mouth,” he recounted.

Another thing about it is that, once it leaves the givers pocket or account, it is never able to find its way back. As the receivers hardly ever pay back. 

 Demola’s words:  “Anytime someone asks me for money, if I can’t afford to forget about it, I don’t give. I know it will take a long time and a lot of stress to get it back. However, once in a blue moon, people actually surprise me by paying back the amount they borrowed  when due.”

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