UNILAG debunks attempted kidnap claims…Assures students of safety

The Management of the University of Lagos(UNILAG), Akoka, Lagos, has debunked claims of an attempted kidnap within the university campus, labelling it ‘false’.

Some Internet users posted a video online, claiming security men at UNILAG had apprehended two men for allegedly attempting to kidnap a female student.

A statement released by the institution’s communication unit reads:

“The incident was a case of social misconduct and physical assault between students, in which one party attempted to flee the scene and was apprehended by the university security towards the Onike gate axis. The case is being handled by the Security Unit and Division of Students Affairs.”

“The Vice Chancellor and management wish to assure our dear students, parents and the public that the security and safety of all students remain a priority at the University of Lagos.”

Also, the Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, CSP Adekunle Ajisebutu, noted that the case was that of assault and not kidnapping.

“There was no kidnap. It was a case of misunderstanding between a female student and three others (one of whom is a UNILAG student) which led to assault on the lady and some of the security guards.” he said.

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