UNILAG bows to pressure, reduces obligatory, hostel fees

UNILAG students express frustration over hostel accommodation shortage | Ikejabird.com

By Ejiofor Toochi

The University of Lagos (UNILAG) management has finally reduced the obligatory and hostel fees after a series of protests by the students.

On Thursday, September 14th, representatives of NANS and faculty presidents met with UNILAG authorities, including the Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students Affairs.

They deliberated over the downward review of the obligatory and hostel fees, and the reinstatement of Students’ Union Government(SUG).

READ ALSO: Fee Hike: Unilag students speak on Sept 6 protest

It was agreed that students who don’t use lab and studio will now pay N80,750 instead of N100,750, while those with lab and studio courses will pay N120,250 instead of N140,250.

Hostel fees decreased to N43,000 and utility fees to N15,000.

The statement issued by the faculty presidents read, “In addition to the reduction in various fees, the Management assures us that Students’ Union Government (SUG) would be reinstated in due time.

“Furthermore, the Management also stated that no students would drop on account of inability to pay the obligatory fees as different measures have been put in place to cushion the hike in fees.”

They also expressed their appreciation to students for advocating fee reduction.

Statement by Unilag faculty presidents

READ ALSO: “We’re looking at their demands”- Unilag DSA assures students

From N19,000 to N190,250: Student lament as UNILAG hikes tuition fees

The University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos State, has reportedly increased the fees for undergraduate students.

According to a statement from the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (UNILAG branch), the Vice-Chancellor disclosed the new fees during a meeting with the top management staff.

Students are upset about the unexpected and significant increase in school fees at Unilag, the highest ever in the school’s history.

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