“This one na red flag”: Heated reactions as groom forgets his bride’s name at their wedding

Groom forgets his wife's name |Battabox.com

A groom has been called out on social media after he was saying his speech and surprisingly forgot the name of his bride.

In a TikTok video, the unidentified man was captured with a microphone placed to his lips while he kept stuttering when he was meant to call his wife’s name.

The groom who was facing directly at his wife was saying something prior to the time he attempted to call her name, although he got her first name which was Abigail but for some reason forgot her other name.

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The man’s stutter to call out his bride’s name quickly had many guests yelling in the background with his wife-to-be smiling.

Reactions: No pressure should let you forget your wife’s name

Social media users quickly ran to the comment section to give their opinion. While many laughed and argued that it was normal because he was probably nervous, others quickly asserted that he had too many Abigail in his life so it was difficult to remember the other names of his own wife. See some comments below;

@akuakhlinheart: there are many Abigails in his life

@El Glory Glory Hayfo: But why ?? No pressure should let u forgets your wife’s name

@Ella🦋❤️: This is what happens when you keep calling her baby

@Nicholas credo: Sometimes that fav ex name still in the head 😂

@karensiale: This man paa aaah . how can u forget someone u love name 😏

@My comment is always right: i remember sitting in an exams room and i forgot how to spell my name on my exam sheet, i couldnt spell my own name


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Bride struggles to get into a car in tight-fitted wedding dress 

In another news, a beautiful bride struggled to get into a car on her wedding day in what appears to be because of her white wedding gown.

In the video shared by a Tiktik user, ammapokuaa , the chubby bride whose name was not mentioned was seen being helped into the car.

A man in the car who was described as “a keeper” and two ladies at the exit of the car door carried the lady into the car because she could not enter herself because of her tight-fitted wedding dress.

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