They’re socially abhorred behaviours: Nigerian varsity bans indecent dressing

The management of the Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University has banned what it described as indecent dressing among both male and female students in the school.

The institution, located in Anambra state, also said students are no longer allowed to drive cars on the school premises, describing indecent dressing among students as “socially abhorred behaviours.”

The directive was contained in a memo issued on Friday, January 20, through the school’s registrar Chris Ubi, with the school saying the new development takes immediate effect.

The university vowed to suspend any student who fails to be guided by the newly-issued directives.

“Indecent dressing is prohibited in the University with immediate effect. No female student should come into our University with mini skirt, show belly, show breast, show buttocks, show lap dresses. Sagging trousers and show-chest shirts among male students are equally prohibited.

“No student is allowed to come into our University with car. The above prohibitions are with immediate effect and any student who contravenes any of the directives on the above-listed socially abhorred
behaviours will be suspended from the University for one semester,”
the memo read.

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