The process of rerun elections in Nigeria

The process of rerun elections in Nigeria |

By Oluwayanmife Ayobami

In Nigeria, a rerun election, also known as a supplementary election, is conducted when the initial election is declared inconclusive due to certain reasons such as irregularities, violence, or issues with the electoral process. 

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) is responsible for organizing and conducting elections in Nigeria, including rerun elections. The process typically involves the following steps:

  • Declaration of Inconclusiveness: If there are substantial irregularities or violence during the initial election that may have affected the outcome or if the margin of victory is less than the total number of canceled votes, INEC may declare the election inconclusive.
  • INEC Decision: After reviewing the situation, INEC decides to conduct a rerun election in the affected areas or polling units.
  • Announcement of Rerun Date: INEC announces a new date for the rerun election, typically scheduled within a specific period after the declaration of inconclusiveness.
  • Voter Sensitization: INEC engages in voter sensitization to inform the public about the upcoming rerun election, the affected areas, and the importance of participating.
  • Deployment of INEC Officials: INEC officials are deployed to the affected areas to conduct the rerun election, including electoral officers, ad-hoc staff, and materials.
  • Voting Process: The rerun election follows the standard voting process, where voters cast their ballots, and the votes are counted at the polling units.
  • Collation of Results: The results from the rerun election are collated at the local government, state, and national levels, ensuring transparency in the collation process.
  • Declaration of Results: INEC declares the results of the rerun election, and the candidate with the highest number of valid votes is officially recognized as the winner.
  • Post-Election Activities: Any post-election activities, such as the resolution of disputes and legal challenges, are addressed according to the electoral laws.

It’s important to note that the specific details of the rerun election process may vary based on the electoral laws in force at the time and any specific guidelines provided by INEC. The process aims to ensure a free, fair, and credible electoral outcome.

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