The King of polygamy, after 12 wives, 102 children and 578 grand children, shares regrets

The King of polygamy, after 12 wives, 102 children and 578 grand childre

Mr Musa Hasahya Kasera of Uganda, has expressed his fears and regrets concerning polygamy and his large immediate family.

The 68 year old husband of 12 wives and  father of 102 children and 578 grandchildren after an interview with AFP News Agency, was said to be the man with the most children in Uganda.

He expressed concern about his home becoming a tourist center, attracting many local and international visitors, including media organizations. 

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The story

He stated that his first child was about 50 years old, and the last about 10 years old, therefore proving that he started his reproductive life quite early.

Mr Musa, though now unemployed, spoke of his years of being a farmer.

He was strong and vibrant. He was wealthy so he could afford to marry as many wives as he wanted.

However, now, he can barely go to the market or even cater to the needs of his very large family. Now his polygamy choices have brought him much regret.

To survive, His wives and adult children often engage in menial work, like fetching water, firewood, and sweeping for their neighbors, plaiting hair, and other domestic chores. 

In his words, “I have learned from my mistakes and irresponsible lifestyle of having many wives and children who I am unable to offer good care.”

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Polygamy is the new inter-house sports – Nollywood actor encourages polygamy

Meanwhile, Ibrahim Chattah, a veteran Nollywood actor stirred a controversy online after he shared his opinion in support of polygamy.

In a video, Femi Adebayo, asked why wives do not give much attention to their husbands once they have children, and  how this makes the children prefer their mothers to their fathers.

He expressed displeasure that the father hustles to provide for the family and the mother ends up getting all the child’s love.

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