Survival is a Nigerian name

By Chiagoziem Laurina Abosi

Survival isn’t a choice in this part of the world where I come from. It is a decision we took a long time ago when our leaders decided to ambush us at every opportunity.

The decision to survive was made the very minute our leaders slaughtered youths who came together to raise their voices. All our pleas and cries fell on deaf ears as we begged them to end brutality.
They rule with an iron fist, our rights taken from us. They are killing us slowly, our educational system is drastically failing, our economy is in shambles, with prices of goods increasing daily. Everyone is affected except those who hold power, of course.

We’ve had to struggle to make ends meet. As a student, life is difficult, we are choked with learning so many things in poor learning environments, still we learn and juggle learning with entrepreneurship, because relying on one source of income is like asking a blind man to lead you.

We make progress as time flies, learning to use the stones thrown by our masters to build castles for ourselves. We’ve learnt to make the most out of the worst. So, in our trying times, some can still eat three square meals, their businesses are thriving, some can still afford the luxury they dreamed of and that’s something to be proud of. For some.

10 Comments on “Survival is a Nigerian name”

  1. Sad reality but thank God for the resilient spirit of Nigerian youths to keep excelling. Great piece you have here.

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