Ambidextrous artist draws eight portraits, upside down, using both her hands and feet at the same time

Ambidextrous artist drawing eight portraits, upside down, using both her hands and feet at the same time

An artist who can use both hands and feet at the same time, drew eight portraits, upside down without having to focus on each of them.

The video was shared on March 20 on Instagram. It has so far collected over 13.5 million views. 

The artist, with the user name @rajacenna was seen sitting intently with drawing papers and art pencils on the table in front of her.

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She bent intently towards the table and began to work incredibly and with maximum concentration.

Although the speed of the video was increased, it was still extremely amazing to watch her perform such art.

The wonder of her not only being able to use both hands to draw at the same time, but to use both feet too was indeed, out of this world.

Netizens were totally amazed

Blqrican: “How the hell is this even possible?”

Siefjeo: “Are we sure she isn’t a computer?”

Dally_scha: “I salute her brain. Everything is well connected and working well at the same damn time. I can draw too, but even using both hands is hard as hell.”

Hajra_issseo: “Her toes are more talented than my entire existence”

Xem.lyx: “Then there is me.. not even able to draw a stickman”

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Young Nigerian artist draws Peter obi using Ellu p TikTok lyrics

Meanwhile, a young artist with the TikTok handle @sawyerdaniel has surprised many with his amazing artistic talent.

The artist drew a portrait of the Labour Party candidate for the 2023 presidential elections, Peter Obi using the lyrics from the viral TikTok sound. 

In a TikTok video, Daniel was seen writing the lyrics of the viral TikTok sound in different ways which formed a gorgeous portrait of Peter Obi 

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