Should NURTW be scrapped?

By Fakomi Olajumoke

The National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) was set up to maintain law and order among commercial bus drivers in Nigeria. With an estimated 200 million members, the union helps government regulate activities of drivers and also remit levies to government. 

NURTW members pay union fees on a daily basis since the union owns the licence to operate. In return, the drivers receive certain benefits including,  insurance, access to motor parks, security and soft loans.

It is generally believed that the union should address the issue of unscrupulous persons and miscreants who have continued to extort commercial drivers, motorcyclists and tricyclists.

Sharing his experience with Ikejabird, a driver of a mini-mass transit bus, Ibrahim Musa, said things were terrible when the NURTW started collecting levies. He said everyday he pays N1,200 for booking and N200 for every other trip, especially when he conveys passengers from Ikeja to Ojota.

He also pays N1,200 for booking and N200 or N300 depending on the transport fare passengers paid at Ojota. 

Similarly, Adedolapo, a student  said she boarded a bus from Ogba to Ikeja and levy collectors insisted on taking N200 from the driver or he wouldn’t leave the garage with his vehicle. 

She added that despite pleas and the explanation the driver gave, the money was collected. The driver was threatened with more levies if he didn’t cooperate. 

Ifeanyi Chukwura a tricycle operator in Ikeja said the union agents collect N1, 200 from a tricycle operator everyday as ticket dues. He also alleged that the union only remits N100 to the state government.

Acts like these shouldn’t be handled with levity, nonetheless a review of the NURTW policy would go a long way in curtailing these excesses. To begin, there should be a reduction in the daily levies collected from commercial bus drivers.

Everyone is aware of the  state of the  economy. Prices of goods have skyrocketed. The least the union can do is reduce the levies imposed on them. 

In addition, the levy collecting team schedule should be revised. Drivers complain bitterly that sometimes the collectors take far more than the amount stipulated by the union. Sadly, they are constantly threatened when they try to speak up and fight for their rights.

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