Save Unilag students: Students protest hike in fees online

Fee hike: Unilag students to begin PROTEST-A-THON on September 13th |

Students of the Federal University of Lagos, also known as Unilag, have gone online to protest against the hike in their school fees.

As reported by Ikejabird, the Federal University of Lagos, popularly known as Unilag, recently increased its school by over 400%, attracting the attention of everyone 

The hashtag #saveunilagstudents is currently trending on Twitter as students express their concerns and urge the university management to address the issue.

READ ALSO: UNILAG makes U-turn, offers admissions for two popular courses

We don’t want to drop out- Unilag students 

 Many students argue that the current school fees are exorbitant and may force some individuals to drop out due to financial constraints.

With over 13k tweets, students have warned that if their grievances are not addressed, they will take their protest to the streets, potentially escalating the situation.

According to the university management, the reason for the fee hike is inadequate funding from the government, which has left the institution unable to cover its operational expenses.

As a result, the decision to increase the fees was made to sustain the university’s functioning.

Reactions: Education is a right 

These students, please with the management to review the school fees; let’s have a look at some of the comments. 

@waheed:We will continue to go out onto the streets and to protest, and actively encourage the public to support us in our campaign for free education.#SaveUnilagStudents

@bernard:No more financial barriers! Prof. Ogunsola, it’s time to reverse the over 500% outrageous fees hike NOW! 

@sarah:Education is a right and it must be affordable to the children or the poor and working class. #RevertFeesNOW 

@Timothy:All we are asking is give us education. EDUCATION IS A NECESSITY NOT A PRIVILEGE. #RevertFeesNOW

@vivian:The one good thing Nigerians enjoy was affordable education it cannot be taken from us #SaveUnilagStudents #RevertFees

READ ALSO: Reward for honesty: UNILAG promotes security man for exposing attempt to steal 22,000 litres of diesel

Student lament as UNILAG hikes tuition fees 

In other news, The University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos State, has reportedly increased the fees for undergraduate students.

 According to a statement from the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (UNILAG branch), the Vice-Chancellor disclosed the new fees during a meeting with the top management staff. 

Students are upset about the unexpected and significant increase in school fees at Unilag, the highest ever in the school’s history

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