Saheed Osupa warns Fuji musicians against lewd lyrics

By Kola Alhassan

Renowned Fuji music artiste, Saheed Osupa wants fellow artistes to stop the production of lewd lyrics. He admonished them to place premium on quality.

He said: “If we sing Fuji music in its proper way, Fuji music will never vanish or die. As an African, I have to behave like a typical African, though I do infuse hip hop into some of my songs but I will not allow that to bastardise my Fuji music.”

Osupa urged Fuji musicians not to copy hip-hop artistes in lyrics creation.

“The meaning of Fuji music is experimentation of late Sikiru Ayinde Barrister’s music dexterity. He used various flavours of music that are in vogue and combined them to his music to gain fans of those popular musicians then, but his song never loses Fuji music flavour,” he said.

He advised fellow artistes to emulate to the late Sikiru Ayinde Barrister who didn’t switch from Fuji to other music genre.

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