Rising School Fees, Economic Hardship Drive Parents to Withdraw Children from Private Schools

Rising School Fees, Economic Hardship Drive Parents to Withdraw Children from Private Schools | Ikejabird.com

Many parents have reportedly decided to withdraw their children from private schools and enroll them in public schools for the upcoming 2023/2024 academic session. 

Ikejabird has gathered reports from various parents who have taken this step due to the skyrocketing school fees and the economic challenges they are facing.

Mr. Adeoye, a concerned parent, expressed his inability to cope with the exorbitant school fees. He revealed that the school had increased the fees by an additional N100,000, which became unaffordable for him as he has four children.

Madam Omotosho, a parent who recently lost her job, found it impossible to continue paying the expensive school fees for her three children. With limited income and no immediate job prospects, she had to opt for public schools as a more affordable alternative.

Mrs. Efunnuga, a single parent, cited the removal of fuel subsidy and subsequent price increases as her reason for enrolling her daughter in a public school. She also expressed her lack of trust in the quality of education provided by public primary schools in Lagos and decided to homeschool her son instead.

Mr. Uche, another parent, shared that he had to withdraw his two children from private schools due to a decline in sales at his store caused by the overall increase in prices of goods and services.

Mr. Ibrahim, a small business owner, faced a significant decline in his business due to the economic downturn. He had to make the difficult decision of withdrawing his daughter from a private school and enrolling her in a public school to cut down on expenses.

The decision of these parents to switch their children to public schools coincides with the resumption of the 2023/2024 academic session, scheduled to begin on Monday across states.

State commissioners of education have also confirmed a significant increase in enrollments in public schools for the new academic year. 

This surge in enrollment is believed to be a direct consequence of the economic hardship resulting from the removal of fuel subsidy by the President  leading to the soaring prices of goods and services.

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