Was Mohbad’s wife dating Naira Marley? Resurfaced  video sparks controversy

In a  video capturing Naira Marley, and the late ex-signee’s wife, Wunmi Aloba, were found sharing a bed, triggering a lot of opinions.

 The footage, dating back to October 7th, 2021, resurfaced during Mohbad’s quest for justice, shedding light on the close bond between the songstress and her employer within the Marlian community.

This revelation unfolded just days after Naira Marley’s release on bond, following an almost two-month detainment amid the ongoing investigation into his ex-signee’s untimely demise. 

READ ALSO: Mohbad: Police confirm Naira Marley, Sam Larry’s assault on late rapper

Wunmi Aloba, caught on camera alongside Naira Marley and fellow artist C-Black, sparked a social media debate, with skepticism surrounding the nature of their relationship.

People have different opinions about the video, with some doubting if Naira Marley and Mohbad’s wife were really close, while others think it’s just a throwback to before she married Mohbad.

 The online conversation is still ongoing, making the story about these connected relationships in the music industry even more complex.

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