Real Madrid dumps De Gea and welcomes Kepa on loan

Real Madrid dumps De Gea and welcomes Kepa on

Kepa Arrizabalaga, the Chelsea goalkeeper, has joined Real Madrid on loan following the fatal injury of their goalkeeper Courtois. 

In the summer of 2018, Kepa joined Stamford Bridge from Athletic Club, swiftly becoming the preferred choice in his debut season.

During the 2018/19 season, he made an impressive 54 appearances, culminating in Chelsea clinching the Europa League championship.

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Kepa joins Real Madrid 

Over the subsequent four seasons, Kepa made an additional 109 appearances for the Blues, notably contributing to their victories in the Champions League, UEFA Super Cup, and FIFA World Club Cup.

In the last season, he was bestowed with the captaincy, marking a significant achievement, and also earned his place back in the Spanish national squad.

As Kepa embarks on this new chapter in Madrid, Chelsea’s club wishes him all the best. He’ll have the opportunity to collaborate once again with former Chelsea head coach, Carlo Ancelotti.

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Caicedo rejects Liverpool for Chelsea

In another news, Liverpool’s hopes have been dashed after they reached an agreement with Brighton, as reports reveal that Colombia international Moises Caicedo has snubbed their proposal. 

Caicedo’s heart is set on a move to Stamford Bridge with Chelsea, leaving Liverpool in disbelief.

Despite Chelsea being prominent throughout the transfer saga, Liverpool initially sealed the deal with Brighton. However, recent revelations indicate that Caicedo prefers Pochettino’s team.

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