Police arrest suspected yahoo boy who murdered UNIJOS student

The Plateau State Police Command have arrested and paraded one Moses Oko, a 20-year-old suspected Yahoo boy who allegedly murdered Jennifer Anthony, a 300L UNIJOS Student whose dead body was found at a hotel in Jos on January, 1st, 2022.

The suspect was paraded alongside suspected personal effects of the deceased as well as blood-soaked bedsheet and blood-stained fork allegedly used to pluck the deceased’s eyes.

The suspect, Moses Oko, was arrested in Benue State by “hawked-eye police operatives of the Command”.

Commissioner of Police in the State, Bartholomew Onyeka who addressed journalists at the Command Headquarters said: “Following the gruesome murder of Miss Jennifer Anthony, a 300-level student of the University of Jos whose lifeless body was found mutilated on 1st January 2022 at Domus Pacis Guest House, Jos, by a man named Moses Oko aged 20 years.”

According to the CP, “He is suspected to be her boyfriend who fled after committing the crime.”

He further explained that “The Command in a bid to arrest the perpetrator launched an aggressive manhunt on the suspect and tactically trailed him to Benue State where he was arrested by hawked-eye police operatives of the Command.”

Onyeka said the suspect will be arraigned in court as soon as the investigation is completed.

Photo credit: DailyPost

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