Please cook pepper soup with goat meat for dinner: Husband uses note to instruct wife, refuses to speak to her

Please cook pepper soup with goat meat for dinner: Husband uses note to instruct wife, refuses to speak to her |

A husband has surprised many with his method of speaking to his wife. He left a note for her in her bag to tell her what to cook instead of speaking to her.

According to the tweet, the note fell out of her bag while dropping their child at school, and one of the teachers of her child picked it up and gave it to her.  

In the note, the man instructed her to prepare pepper soup and goat meat for dinner. 

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The wife is thinking of divorce

When the wife saw the note, she was so frustrated because that was not the first time her husband used note to give her instructions.

Apparently, her husband has not been talking to her for about three weeks but has been leaving notes on what to cook for her to find. 

The woman is also thinking of divorcing her husband because of his way of using notes to speak to her.

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Woman kept N35m in account, forgot to tell husband 

Meanwhile, a Nigerian woman shared an unbelievable story of how she forgot to tell her husband that she had 35 million Naira in her account.

This discovery caused troubles in her marriage as her husband no longer trusts her.

In her story featured on the podcast known as ‘I Said What I Said’, she called out for help and counsel on how to sort things out with her husband 

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