OUTRAGE! Mob strips suspected thieves naked

By Kola Alhassan

An outraged mob early in the week stripped four suspected thieves naked for allegedly stealing some chickens and feed.

The incident happened in Erunwon area of Ogun State.

IkejaBird gathered that the suspects allegedly invaded a poultry farm.

It was learnt that the suspects were compelled to remove their dresses in public,while displaying the stolen materials.

A source said they were arrested by a vigilance group in Ijebu-North-East local government.

The suspected thieves were reportedly caught red handed as they stole from the poultry at night .

It was learnt that one of the suspects was a staff of the poultry.

A resident of the area was said to have hinted the guards who arrested them.

IkejaBird gathered that an incensed mob hijacked them and stripped them naked.

The suspects were also handed over to the police in Eruwon .

“They looted a poultry farm, stole over a hundred chickens, several bags of chicken feeds as well as other items.

“They have been handed over to the Divisional Police office in Atan, the headquarters of Ijebu North-East local government,” said an eyewitness.

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