Outrage over  Bamise’s half-naked pictures on Twitter

By Kola Alhassan 

The half-naked pictures of the murdered Bamishe Ayanwole has generated outrage on Twitter.

Bamishe, who went missing after boarding a Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) at Chevron Bus Stop, Lekki, to Oshodi on  February 26, was later found  dead.
It was gathered that the deceased was thrown out of a BRT half-naked and with her private parts missing.

However, Twitter users who saw the pictures blew the gasket. Some cursed those who murdered the 22-year-old woman, some called for justice; some bemoaned the terrible security situation of the country and called for death sentence for ritualists.

GODWIN ARI OGU @ari_ogu, said:
“God Nigeria is no more safe again.”

pius uzoka @PiusUzoka, tweeted:
“What a wicked world… May her soul Rest In Peace.”

Okoya Adedamola @Hork, wrote:
“Things like this has been happening.Sometimes we see dead bodies around we don’t know what was the cause if no one saw the BRT it would have been another story.”

DELIJART_OFFICIQL @Delijar, said:”Ohh God,Nigeria is a pandemic to us citizen! No place is safe again even BRT.”

Wale Adediran @WAdediran, tweeted:”They must be found to give account to us fellow human beings first! That way, our earthly injury will heal faster. They can then go ahead and account to the Almighty God.”

Praises @ohiozuadaniel ,wrote:
“Her blood will cry out.”

Ayo @AyodeleNg, said:
“Oh Dear Lord. What kind of devils walk this path of this our planet. What’s this for ? Money? Why end an innocent soul like this? Absolute Wickedness.”

Christy Umon (@christy_omon ren, wrote:
“Kidnappers and ritualist needs to be given the death sentence when they are caught, if you are found with human parts, life imprisonment. Enough isEnough.”

Rotimi @gqtower, tweeted: “Who will sign the death warrant?

“This is an aspect of the constitution trampled upon by our governors.

“The chief judge of each state should be mandated to sign death warrants.”

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