They are feeling too entitled: Ngige speaks on doctors strike

Our government isn't treating dem fairly: Ngige says doctors are feeling too entitled |

The minister of labour and employment, Chris Ngige, has stated that the things the Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) asked from the government were ‘absurd’ . 

Last Saturday, the Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) warned that they would all go on strike if the government did not fulfill their requests in the next two weeks.

The association asked for concrete actions to improve the consolidated medical salary structure (CONMESS) and to pay resident doctors the money they are owing them.

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Ngige says strike threat is absurd 

They also criticized the proposed law that would require medical and dental professionals to work for five years in Nigeria before moving to another country to practice.

In response to the ultimatum given by resident doctors, Ngige said they are feeling too entitled, even though the government has already given them everything they asked for.

He also said that the bill which tries to stop health workers from moving to other countries is a “private member bill”, and the government can’t control it.

Reactions : Healthcare deserves to be paid more

People were furious about Ngige comments, let’s have a look at some of the comments 

@emma.nuel2257: Entitlement? Health care workers deserves to be paidmore.Nigeria will continue to lose it best health care workers to The Westen countries if we continue like this.

@nnenna_aldo : I bet Ngige’s children cannot settle for a salary of a Resident doctor in Nigeria but here he is opening his mouth like a window and calling people who want a better life that they worked for “entitled”

@scholarnjepu_official : If you’re doing everything you feel you’re suppose to be doing for doctors/ nurse in nigeria, then why are you worried if some of them choose to go abroad? 

@luchi_store1: You can’t pay them and you want to still ban them from traveling outside. Is this not witchcraft?

@its_official_neco :God bless all Nigerian doctors, we apologize on behalf our insensitive politicians and policy makers, you’ll do a terrific job,God bless you all abundantly beyond measure.

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ASUU Suspends Eight-month-old strike

In another news, The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has suspended its eight-month-old strike conditionally.

A member of the union’s National Executive Committee disclosed this to Channels TV on Friday.

During its leadership meeting that began Thursday night and lasted until the early hours of Friday at ASUU National Secretariat in Abuja, the union decided to suspend the strike.

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