Oshoala, Ajibade shines as Super Falcons thrash  Ethiopia

Nigeria’s women’s national football team, the Super Falcons, have taken a significant step forward in their quest to qualify for the women’s football event at the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris.

 In a remarkable display of talent and determination, the Super Falcons emerged victorious with a resounding 4-0 win against Ethiopia at the MKO Abiola Stadium.

 This victory propelled them to a 5-1 aggregate scoreline, following their 1-1 draw in the first leg played in Addis Ababa just a few days prior.

READ ALSO: Super Falcons vs Ethiopia: Oshoala, Chiamaka, Babajide and 19 others called for Olympic qualifiers

Match Report

The journey to victory was not without its challenges. The Super Falcons, despite creating numerous scoring opportunities, struggled to secure the opening goal in the early stages of the match. However, just before half-time, Uchenna Kanu delivered the crucial breakthrough, putting Nigeria ahead.

The second half saw the Super Falcons come out with renewed energy, led by their captain, Rasheedat Ajibade.

 She wasted no time in doubling Nigeria’s lead, finding the back of the net just five minutes into the second half. 

The third goal was not far behind and was masterfully executed by the prolific Asisat Oshoala in the 68th minute. Ajibade further sealed Nigeria’s triumph with another goal in the 72nd minute.

While the Super Falcons have successfully navigated their way past Ethiopia, the path to Paris remains challenging. 

The Nigeria women’s team faces two more rounds of qualifiers before they can dream of securing one of the two available Olympic slots designated for Africa.

In the next round of qualifiers, the Falcons will face off against either Cameroon or Uganda, intensifying the competition and raising the stakes.

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