Normalcy returns to Nigerian Law School after fire outbreak

By Kola Alhassan

Normalcy has returned to the Ozumba Mbadiwe Lagos Campus of the Nigerian Law School on Victoria Island, after a fire outbreak which occurred 11pm on Wednesday night.

Head of Administration, Dr Nathan Akubumadu, yesterday noted that the fire incident which occurred in Hostel B,was triggered by power surge in one of the electric circuits.

He spoke on Channels Television.

He said: ” A power surge occurred around 11 pm Wednesday night in one of the circuits within the hostel premises and it affected the armoured cable that supplied power to the hostel. But our maintenance unit was on the ground to put it out immediately.

“I wasn’t even around. I left the school around 7 pm after the school hosted the ceremonial dinner which had some dignitaries in attendance. I started receiving calls as early as 4 am the next day from Yola, Enugu and even from abroad to enquire about what happened. They made it look as if the law school was fire but you can see for yourself that it’s not as bad as being reported.”

A member of who preferred anonymity said: “Around 11 pm, I came out, flames were on. We had some of our electrical staff on the ground who went to the power source and were able to turn off the power so we were able to contain it.

“A lot of students ran out in panic, some called their parents and a lot of parents came to the school that night to pick the children.

“But there was no student casualty, one staff fell down and her ankle got swollen. She was taken to the school clinic and was given injections and she has since been placed on drugs and discharged.”

The school management noted that officials from the Department of State Security Services (DSS), the Council of Legal Education and many others visited the school to assess the situation.

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