Nigerian Man Reveals Hilarious Conversation with Wife on High Price of Rice

by Basit Jamiu

A man who identified himself as Sam Ejiugu on Facebook has revealed what he told his wife after he learnt about the current price of rice in the market.

Ejiugu said that his wife had requested for a bag of rice which she said was N45,000 for long grain and N38,000 for short grain.

Ejiugu told his wife that he would prefer short grain due to the price which is just N7,000 lower than the longer grain. 

Ejiugu wrote: “My wife asked me to give her money for a bag of rice. I asked her how much, she said 45000 naira. I asked her why it’s so expensive, she said because it’s long grain. I asked her the price for the shortest grain, she said 38000 local rice. I gave her 38000. 

“She said: why don’t you like long grain any more. I replied: my teeth are not as good as they use to be, the shorter the grain, the less I would have to chew before  swallowing. 

She glared at me, and then  burst in to laughter.

“I didn’t even smile. I was busy subtracting 38000 from 45000  with my fingers.”

Ikeja Bird learnt that the price of rice had catapulted because it is the festive season. Whether it will be returned to its actual tag remains to be known after Christmas.

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