“You still look beautiful but be careful” – Nigerian dad tells daughter she’s gaining weight

Nigerian dad tells daughter she's gaining weight |Ikejabird.com

A Nigerian dad cracked many up on social media after he gently told his daughter to watch her weight and be careful of what she eats.

In a TikTok video that was posted by Chizi Duru, the loving dad, and his daughter were captured sitting in what seemed to have been a restaurant as he gently told her to watch her weight.

He explained that he loves her as she is but she needs to be mindful of what she eats because she was adding weight.

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“I mean you still look good but be careful, so you don’t go you know, whatever I’m telling you I’m telling you out of love, you know that,” he said with a soft smile.

The lady said, ” Your Nigerian dad doesn’t fail to remind you that you’re gaining weight, the only man I’m willing to take this nonsense from.”

The video had many social media users laughing as most stated that Nigerian parents were like that especially with the statement ‘be careful’.

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In other news, a Nigerian lady narrated how she found out that she was loved undoubtedly by her dad which has left many social media users smiling.

In response to a Tweet by @Quickipedia who asked how tweeps found out they were loved at home, the young woman narrated how her dad traveled many hours on the road because he was worried about her.

According to her, she had earlier on that day had a big

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