“My skin doesn’t define me” – Nigerian albino actor shares early struggles in the movie industry

Nigerian albino actor shares early struggles in the movie industry | Ikejabird.com

A Nigerian albino actor shared stories of the difficulties he experienced when he began acting as an albino.

In a recent interview with Hip TV, he revealed some of his major challenges in the movie industry. 

The Nollywood actor, Damilola Ogunsin, who acted in the blockbuster “Gangs of Lagos” recounted his experiences.

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He shared that a movie director he met during his early days of acting tried to discourage him because of his skin color.

The movie director, whose name he withheld, told him that he could not be an actor because he is an albino.

 “When I was coming into Nollywood, I had a major director who I will not mention his name. He looked at me and said, ‘Why do you want to be an actor? How many albinos do you find as actors? It’s not a place for you to be.’ Ogusin shared.

Nigerian albino actor: He was very determined!

He however, shared that he had been doing theater from his primary school days till university, so he didn’t let the director’s comment get to him.

The ‘GoldFish’, as he is fondly called, said he has always been passionate about theater.

To further buttress his point, he stated that he doesn’t think his “beautiful skin” can stop him from achieving his dreams.

The Nigerian albino actor said his determination to become an actor made him resign from his banking job and join Nollywood.

Now it has been six years since he decided to take up professional acting, and he has no regrets whatsoever

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Albino lady rates man she met on blind date zero

Meanwhile, a young Nigerian man suffered humiliation from an albino lady who blatantly rejected him because of his height, face and financial status.

The man, identified as Clinton, was set up on a blind date with the lady but things didn’t go as planned during the unveiling.

In the TikTok video, the lady said she was looking for a tall, handsome and rich man and the man who was presented to her during the blind date was nothing close to her spec.

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