Niger Coup: Bazoum to sue military Junta

Niger Coup: Bazoum to sue military Junta |

By Oluwayanmife Ayobami

Mohamed Bazoum, who was ousted from the presidency on July 26 and subsequently detained, is preparing to take legal action against the military junta in Niger. 

Bazoum’s lawyers announced on Monday that they intend to lodge a case with the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

According to Dominique Inchauspe, one of Bazoum’s lawyers, the lawsuit will be filed in the capital city of Niamey in the next few days. 

READ ALSO: Sahel Alliance urges immediate release of Niger’s President Mohamed Bazoum

It is a civil action 

The legal action is directed towards General Abdourahamane Tiani, the leader of the junta, and “all others” involved.

The lawsuit is a civil action and alleges charges including “attack and conspiracy against state authority, crimes and offences committed by civil servants, and arbitrary arrests and confinements.”

Bazoum’s legal team is also appealing to two bodies of the UN Human Rights Council, including its working group on arbitrary detention, for support in bringing justice to the situation.

Inchauspe stated that the coup d’etat was a violation of the dignity of the Nigerien state and emphasized the urgent need to restore the rule of law.

He has also filed a lawsuit in ECOWAS court 

It is worth noting that Bazoum had already filed a lawsuit with the court of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on September 18, as confirmed by his Senegalese lawyer, Seydou Diagne.

Since the coup, Bazoum has been confined to his residence, with the junta announcing their intention to pursue him on charges of “high treason” on August 13.

READ ALSO: US President Biden calls for release of President Mohamed Bazoum

Niger’s deposed President Mohamed Bazoum faces treason charges 

In another news, mutinous soldiers in Niger have announced their intention to prosecute the deposed President Mohamed Bazoum for alleged “high treason” and undermining the country’s security.

This announcement comes shortly after the soldiers indicated their willingness to engage in discussions with West African nations to address the escalating regional crisis.

The spokesperson for the military regime, Colonel Major Amadou Abdramane, made the announcement on state television. 

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