Men: 10 Things To Avoid During Your Partner’s Pregnancy 

Your partner’s pregnancy is an incredible time full of physical and emotional changes as you prepare to welcome a new life. 

As an expectant father, your support and understanding are more vital than ever. Avoid making this special season stressful by staying  clear of these 10 things:

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1. Criticizing her changing body 

Pregnancy comes with weight gain and body changes that can be challenging and sensitive for many women. Refrain from negative comments about her appearance, which could cause self-image issues. Instead, make her feel beautiful by complimenting her glowing pregnancy skin or voluminous hair.

2. Disturbing her for sex 

Between exhaustion, nausea, and hormonal changes, many expecting mothers experience plummeting libidos, especially in the first and third trimesters. Be patient and affectionate; do not pressure her to be intimate before she feels ready. Find other ways to remain emotionally and physically close.

3. Policing her diet 

Pregnancy cravings are complex and tied to nutritional needs and unstable taste preferences. Trust her instincts and consult her doctor before restricting certain foods. Also, avoid policing non-alcoholic treat consumption – if her physician hasn’t advised limiting sweets, let her enjoy those pregnancy perks!

4. Comparing her to other pregnant women

Every woman’s pregnancy and birth experience is different, so avoid setting unrealistic expectations by comparing her to friends or family. Comments about how tiny other bumps looked at x months or how quickly others bounced back are completely unnecessary. 

5. Taking over major parenting decisions

Of course, you’ll both make choices about your child’s upbringing, but make room for her to take the lead on topics like breastfeeding, childcare, etc. This shows you respect her role and are willing to follow her wisdom as the baby’s primary caretaker. 

6. Making light of her discomfort 

From swollen feet to endless heartburn and nausea, carrying a child can be wildly uncomfortable. Never minimize or joke about her pain – lend a listening ear and offer massages or help around home so she can rest. 

7. Missing  important prenatal appointments

In addition to supporting her through discomfort, you should prioritize attending key scans and checkups. Being present to see your baby’s development on ultrasounds and participate in these milestone moments means the world. 

8. Breaking promises or being late

Being chronically late to events, refusing to participate in prep like birth classes, or backing out of promises around the house will only breed resentment during this extra-sensitive period. Strive to be ultra-reliable to ease her mind.

9. Withdrawing emotionally

You may occasionally feel sidelined or overwhelmed. However, withdrawing from conversations or disengaging for extended periods while she copes with massive bodily changes can worsen mood disorders like depression or anxiety. Tackle fear or inadequacy feelings together.  

10. Springing major surprises 

Hormones and bodily discomfort leave many soon-to-be mothers feeling out of control. Consult her before making giant purchases for babies or announcing pregnancy news to extended relatives and friends. Including her fosters security.

Welcoming a baby requires a deep partnership. By avoiding these behaviours and offering tireless support, you empower her to navigate pregnancy’s highs and lows.

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