Married man who travels abroad for better life reveals he won’t come back, wonders how to tell wife to move on

Married man who travels abroad for better life reveals he won’t come back |

A Nigerian man has shared that most men who travel abroad for greener pastures have no intention of coming back to the country.

Narrating how one of his friends is happily married in Nigeria but moved abroad to further better their life, the man identified as Isreal Joe revealed that his friend has no intention of coming back.

According to him, the man made this decision after reaching the country and has sworn that he will never go back to Nigeria, but is troubled about how to inform his wife to move on.

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He shared that they were married and have kids, however, he wants to leave all that behind and only send his wife money for the upkeep of their children and has no intention of continuing their marriage.

Isreal stated that it was better for a couple to travel at the same time rather than one leaving and the other staying because when they reach the country someone else will volunteer to help and in extension make Nigerians forget their homes.

Married man who travels abroad for better life reveals he won’t come back
Married man who travels abroad for better life reveals he won’t come back

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Meanwhile, an abroad-based woman was betrayed by her husband whom she has been married to for 9 years and has been together with for 19 years.

In the reports going around, the Liberian woman identified as Agnes Johnson who lives in the United States found out that her husband went back to the country to remarry.

Apparently, he had told his wife that he wanted to visit his sick mother, however, she found out that he married another lady in the village.

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