Losing You Has Felt Like Grief – Alex Ekubo Receives Heartwarming Apology From Fancy

Fancy Acholonu has apologized to his former partner Alex Ekubo over how she handled their separation.

Acholonu stated that she had not been able to move past the pain of losing Alex.

In a post she made on Instagram on Thursday, she said life has not been the same since they broke apart.

Recall that when the news of their break up became widespread, Acholonu had granted an interview where she claimed Ekubo was ‘gay.’ A claim that has not been proved to be true.

I am Truly Sorry, I Miss You

Fancy Acholonu wrote: “Like our shirt says, nothing makes sense when we are apart, Alex Ekubo, you still have my heart. I miss you, I love you, and I am truly sorry for all the hurt and pain you and your family went through with our break up.

“My action in how I handled things was out of my character. I should have controlled my emotions and not been so overeactive. I said too much, I did too much. Please forgive me, I have learnt my lesson on how to handle situations better,” she added.

“I haven’t expressed myself properly. I am not afraid to be vulnerable and say, you and your family and friends still mean the world to me. Losing you has felt like grief. Love heals,” she said.

Reactions to the apology

Hymar Idibie wrote:

“The audacity. After your actions saw him being dragged and ridiculed all over social media and even being labelled gay. Gosh! Na because the guy quiet and no dey respond to trolls na why she still get mind.The audacity!”

Nwadi Igwe said:
“Alex forgive and never forget,never forget this babe made you a laughing stock on social media…..please allow her to continue living her truth, don’t fall for this scam.”

Chika Nwankwo reacted:
“Once beaten, twice shy. Her regrets and apologies should be a lesson for another man and relationships.”

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