King of Bahrain arrives in Dubai with his robot bodyguard fitted 360 with cameras and in built pistols

The moment King of Bahrain arrives in Dubai with his robot bodyguard fitted 360 with cameras and in built pistols

Sheikh Fahd Bin Rasim Al-Sabah of Kuwait arrives Dubai Expo with his Robot Body Guard. According to available information, it is alleged that:His Robot Bodyguard can speak and understand 6 languages
It is equipped with 3 machine guns plus ammo to terminate over 1,000 targets
It is equipped with Laser Sinper that can kill using infrared technology
Once an order is given, it can eliminate everything living thing around to save the character he is assigned to protect
It costs $7.4 million USD per year to hire the services of this Robot.
Technology moving very fast than ever in history.
Ladies and Gentle, if all these are true then the future of warfare is nigh us!

cc: Ossai Ovie Success

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