It’s 3-3: Husband promises wife N3 million to have threesome with their maid

It's just threesome: Husband promised wife N3 million to have threesome with their maid”:

A married woman who is in a state of confusion seeks advice from people about the condition her husband gave her.

The Nigerian woman said she needed money for business and she had been asking her husband for it but all her efforts proved abortive.

She added that her husband has finally given her a condition that will require him to give her money for business

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3 million just like that?

The woman added that her husband asked her for permission to have a threesome with their maid; hence she would be given three million.

According to her, her husband’s decision put her in a confused state as she did not know what to do or say.

She added that in 6 years that they have been together, her husband has never lied to her as she is aware of his 2 sides’ chics but he has never asked for a threesome.

Reactions: Everything is 3. 3 

Many netizens advised the woman to take the money and allow her husband to since he had paid for it. See reactions below:

@femniece: It’s just a threesome, she should pray before doing it. If she love the man so much, she should do what will make him happy and her happiness also matters too, since the 3 million will make her happy and the threesome will make the husband happy also, everything is 3. 3 in the….

@ Welcome to another episode of things that never happened.

@_Jaygigs: He promised the maid the same thing he has been doing it with the maid before, he just want to merge the branches together 

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Meanwhile, Tehmeena and her husband, Bryant have been together for over five years but started having problems when she realized he hadn’t been faithful to her.

In an effort to bring their relationship back to life – and keep her husband on the straight and narrow, Tehmeena decided they should try polyamory.

After some scouring online, the married couple found 29-year-old Kyrah from Australia.


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