It’s a girl! — Angry wife who delivers another baby girl abandoned by her husband

Angry wife who delivers another baby girl abandoned by her husband

A Nigerian man who just became a father has abandoned his wife in the hospital because she gave birth to another girl.

The story was shared by a nurse and midwife, who was surprised that a man could still blame his wife for having a female child in this age and time.

The Lagos based nurse, Kaykay, in her tweet expressed her displeasure that the man hadn’t come to see his wife three days after her delivery.

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Man leaves wife and baby girl in the hospital 

See her tweet below,

“I can’t believe in this day and age some Nigerian men still don’t know that having all female kids isn’t the woman’s fault…that’s how this man hasn’t come to see his wife in the hospital since she gave birth 3 days ago because she had another girl.”

It’s obvious the man wanted a male child but the nurse wondered why he thought it was his wife’s fault that she delivered another girl.

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Wife talks about selfish husband 

Meanwhile, a grieved wife shares her painful ordeal during childbirth and how her husband refused to take her to a better hospital, but rather used his money to buy land one week later.

She was under the impression that her husband didn’t have any money so she endured the poor condition of the hospital.

Her mind was blown away when her husband, who is now her ex, purchased a land one week after her delivery.

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